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Vacation 2017

Our first family vacation was at Brisas Guardalavaca in 2016. We loved it so much, we went back in Oct. 2017. The staff are all very friendly, always greeting you with a big smile and if things are not to your liking, they do all they can to fix it. A huge thank you to Rigo who works at the International Restaurant at the resort. Great sense of humour and very professional and he just does an awesome job, we can't wait to see him again. Another thank you goes to Mariebel who works at the front desk. She really helped us with our little situation we encountered. Awesome customer service from Mariebel and from pretty well all the staff.... we love you guys and gals and can't wait to see all of you again.


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CubanacanMinturPlaya Guardalavaca, Banes, Holguín, Cuba. Teléfonos: (+53) 24430218 (+53) 24430387
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